Wednesday 6 January 2010


How was the film produced to appeal to the target audience?

As Avatar is a high bugdet film (said to cost around $200 million to make), it needs to appeal to a broad mass audience in order to make a substantial profit. Therefore it has been produced to primarily appeal to the largest group of cinema goers - young men. It has done this by having a leading male marine character and occupying the masculine genre of action adventure-involving a big fight scene. However there are hints of other genres like fantasy and sciencefiction in order to entice secondary audiences to see the film (fantasy might appeal to younger children). It also appeals to nicher marklets - like fanatic cinema goers, as it has revolutiary technology with a long anticipated build up. This new innovative technology and 3D effect will appeal to younger audiences as it allows them to fully immerse themselves in the film and allow them to gain more pleasure from the experience